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The health and safety of our dance community is our number one priority!

We are taking all the precautions necessary to provide you the safest dancing experience.

Wether you are dancing in person at our studio or at home, we are all in this together! 

Let’s help each other stay motivated, happy, healthy, strong, and safe while dancing.

The following guidelines are mandatory safety regulations and industry-specific guidelines put in place by the State and Local Board of Health, as well as the dance industry for the purpose of keeping our teachers and dancers safe during the pandemic.




  • We have reduced class capacity to small groups of 10 -15 people and have pre-arranged all dance spots by floor markers to maintain social distancing of at least 6 feet apart in the studio. 

  • We ask that you wear a mask at the studio while settling in your place. You can take it off when we start dancing.

  • When dancing, please remain in your spot for the duration of class to respect the social distance of others.

  • Please enter and exit the studio promptly, no hanging out in or around the studio.​ 

  • Please remember no hugging, and social distancing in the studio at all times.



  • ABSOLUTELY NO Drop-ins.

  • Please reserve your spot on the dance floor before each class.

  • Reservations are open in advance and any open spot can be reserved up to 30 min before class begins.

  • If you can’t make it to class, cancel your reservation at least 12 hours before class starts. If not, your class will be deducted from your Class Package. 

  • No late arrival/entry into class, no exceptions. Please plan to arrive 10-15 min before class to allow time for parking, check-in, symptom & temperature check.

  • Please leave all personal belongings in your car.



  • Prior to entering the studio, a symptom check will be administered & body temperature will be taken via touchless thermometer. Anyone with temperature of 100 degrees or displaying any signs of illness will not be permitted in studio. 

  • Face masks will be required for students and staff at all times throughout the studio. Except when dancing.



  • Students will be asked to use hand sanitizer when entering the studio and during their visit. 

  • Common areas, door handles, ballet barre, cabinets and bathrooms will be disinfected daily and after each class. 

  • Towels used to dry off sweat must be kept in plastic bag at all times. Do not place on floor, barre or common areas. 

  • We ask that you do not bring any food into the studio and chewing gum is not allowed. 

  • Water bottles must be taken out of the studio immediately after class. 

  • Students must bring their own yoga mat/towels for stretching. 

  • Students may use the restrooms one at a time  and will clean/disinfect all touched areas.       



  • If you aren’t feeling well, have a cough, fever or other symptoms of COVID-19, please stay at home.

  • If you have tested positive for COVID-19 or have been in close contact with someone who has, we ask that you contact us immediately and not come to the studio until you’ve tested negative. We will send an email notification to all potentially exposed persons if there is a confirmed case of COVID-19 at the studio

16733 Ventura Blvd. STE. #13
Encino, CA  91436
(818) 960-3700

DISCLAIMER: Dancers/Student are urged and advised to seek the advice of a physician before beginning any physical exercise regimen, routine, program  shown in any of the video clips on the Danzmundo website and from the Live Zoom Danzmundo Online Classes. All suggestions and comments relating to the instruction are not required to be performed by you and are carried out at your election while in the studio and via the Live Zoom Danzmundo Online Classes.  Nothing contained in this Website should be construed as any form of such medical advice or diagnosis and we accept no liability should there be any injuries while attending the classes live in the studio or virtually online.

© 2024 - 2025 Danzmundo.  All rights reserved.

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